Thursday, February 16, 2012

This is what it's about

Now this blog....this is going to be different. I have another blog but this one isn't going to be about the wonderful joys and struggles of parenting as a lesbian. Nor is it going to have happy family pictures either.

This blog is about a "pissed at the world" mother living in the United States and dreading every second of it. I will bitch about a LOT of things. From extreme evangelical religious people to politicians who are dumb as fuck to friends and possibly family who piss me the hell off.

Basically I am going to bitch and I don't care who doesn't like hearing it. And if you don't like hearing it....well I am sure there is another website you can go to that has happy thoughts and fun games. But that is not what I am going to be about.

Get over it or get the fuck out.

I may be harsh on here and some of my readers may not agree with me. That is fine. Like assholes, everyone has an opinion. And it is up to the individual to determine if they want to hear it or not.

This blog prevents me from bitching to much on FB or on my wonderful Mommy Community I am a part of.

There will be:

  • bitching of certain religious beliefs
  • bitching of certain political beliefs
  • bitching of the USA
  • bitching of life in general
  • bitching of bigoted companies

As you can see there will a LOT of bitching. And I was raised by (one) of the Queen of Bitches so I really know how to let it go.

Now there is more to me than just being a bitch. And before I make another post I WILL make an "about me" page so people know that I am more than just a bitch(although I really don't care either way).

Well I am going to go. Tons of things to do, none of which I give a shit about.